Privacy Consulting Services
Privacy laws across the United States are a cluttered mess. Whereas Europe has taken an overarching regulatory approach with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU, the US takes a much more ad hoc approach. Historically, in the US, our regulators tended to look at specific types of data, like credit data or health information, or look at specific populations like children, and then regulate within those realms (i.e., Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Gramm-Leach-Blilely Act (GLBA), Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA), etc.).
Legal Solutions for
Financial Problems
With the lack of universal federal oversight, states are stepping in and imposing obligations on businesses that collect personal information of residents within their borders. States such as California (CPRA), Colorado (CPA), and Virginia (VCDPA) among others, have signed laws that directly impact companies doing business in their states. Florida has been on the cusp of passing its own privacy act (FPA).

Although a business may be physically located in Florida (or New York, Texas, etc.), given how it operates, its online presence, and/or the type of clientele it targets, it may be subject to other states’ privacy laws. Does your business have a website? Do you have customers in California?
Roberts Law provides clients across industries with comprehensive counsel on evolving issues related to information security and privacy. Josh Roberts, Esq. is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/US). We blend our skills and experience as litigators and transactional attorneys with a deep understanding of information security and privacy laws and regulations to anticipate and meet our clients’ needs.
Our services include:
- Building compliance programs for domestic operations, including:
- Drafting and updating internal and external privacy policies
- Reviewing and updating contracts and agreements to reflect data privacy obligations and data processing
- Data mapping and risk assessment
- Data subject access request management policies, procedures, and workflows
- Updating data privacy and information security policies, procedures, and programs for businesses with domestic operations of all sizes.
- Counseling on federal and state privacy and cybersecurity Laws, including:
- Assisting clients with their obligations pursuant to HIPAA and HITECH
- Providing guidance on compliance with emerging state privacy and cybersecurity laws, such as California’s CCPA/CPRA, Colorado’s CPA, Nevada’s privacy law (SB-220), and Virginia’s VCDPA.
- Providing cybersecurity and privacy due diligence advice in connection with mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments, and other transactions.
Roberts Law, PLLC
Office (by Appointment Only):
2075 Main Street, Suite 23
Sarasota, Florida 34237
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